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Aarti Vaishnav
Aarti Vaishnav is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Exxat. Her primary role is developing Exxat’s product roadmap and strategy. She is also responsible for setting the company’s culture and vision.
Before starting Exxat, Aarti worked in the healthcare and higher education setting for 15 years. She is an Information Technology engineer with a Master’s degree in Computer Science and a Master’s in Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology. She also completed her MBA from the University of Southern California.
Being a woman CEO in technology, Aarti is aware of the gender biases in the technology industry. She has made it her goal to ensure gender equality in employment at Exxat. Today, Exxat employs about 50% women in its technical teams.
Great companies
are built,
not launched!
Aarti Vaishnav's TEDx Talk (15:08)
Aarti is also passionate about contributing to the wider community and directs Exxat's efforts towards promoting educational initiatives for underprivileged children. As a determined and committed leader, she ensures consistency and dedication in Exxat's corporate social responsibility for all of Exxat's outreach programs to make a positive difference in the lives of the less privileged communities.
She firmly believes that successful companies are built, not launched. This was the topic of her TEDx talk at G.C.E.T. in 2018. Aarti believes that “you build and make companies successful by understanding and inculcating the company’s core values and by implementing this understanding while making any decision in the company.”
Aarti draws inspiration from Maya Angelou's life philosophy, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better".
Executive Team
“No one can whistle a symphony.
It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”
- H .E. Luccock
From the start, Exxat has been defined by its people. While we are spread across a
wide range of expertise and geographical locations, we all share the desire and
determination to improve processes and solve real problems. This drive has
allowed us to discover ourselves and expect the best from each other.
Senior Leadership Team

Vishakha Bhave
VP - Customer Experience

Sheetal Amin
Manager -
“To make a difference in someone's life, you don't have to be rich,
brilliant, beautiful or perfect, you just have to care!”
-Mandy Hale