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Recognizing &
Rewarding Academic

Winners of the Exxat Student Scholarship for the 2022-23 Academic Year

Students are the future of healthcare and Exxat is proud to recognize the excellence
of 16 students by awarding scholarships in the area of Scholarly Productivity, Diversity
and Inclusion, Leadership and Care for Underserved Communities.

Care for Underserved Communities Award

Reaching out to underserved communities involves helping these communities overcome
the obstacles they face when seeking care. Winners of this award play an instrumental role
in removing these barriers.

Elise Parker

Academic Institution:
University of New England

Occupational Therapy

Kathleen Webb

Academic Institution:
Baylor University

Occupational Therapy

Kerwin Perez

Academic Institution:
Southern California University
of Health Sciences

Physician Assistant

Joshua Palmer

Academic Institution:
University of Delaware

Physical Therapy

Diversity and Inclusion Award

Exxat believes that a diverse healthcare workforce is best suited to provide care to a diverse
population. The Diversity and Inclusion award is given to students who are working to ensure
that their communities are not only represented but shine within the health professions.

Alisha Samnani

Academic Institution:
The University of
Mary-Hardin Baylor

Physician Assistant

Amanda Clarke

Academic Institution:
Duke University

Physical Therapy

Jacob Corey

Academic Institution:
University of Delaware

Physical Therapy

Karina Castillo

Academic Institution:
University of Southern


Leadership Award

Leadership is an essential quality for any healthcare provider. Recipients of the
Leadership award exemplify the best of what a leader can offer in the classroom,
clinic and community.

Gabriella Brandon

Academic Institution:
DeSales University

Physical Therapy

Kyle Mounger

Academic Institution:
East Tennessee State

Physical Therapy

Nicole Gilbert

Academic Institution:
Northwestern University

Physical Therapy

Shane Mathew

Academic Institution:
University of Florida

Physical Therapy

Scholarly Productivity Award

Evidence-based practice is at the heart of providing the best possible care for
all patients. Students selected for this award have made invaluable contributions
to their profession’s body of evidence.

Kelsey Wentz

Academic Institution:
Southern California University
of Health Sciences

Physician Assistant

Lauren Cianci

Academic Institution:
Columbia University

Physical Therapy

Nicholle Lewis

Academic Institution:
Duke University

Physical Therapy

Sydney Liles

Academic Institution:
University of Delaware

Physical Therapy

Congratulations to this year's winners!

The Exxat team is proud to support all aspects of health sciences education, including the
students who are the future of healthcare. We award a scholarship in the amount of $1000
to four (4) students who exemplify excellence in Scholarly Productivity, Diversity and
Inclusion, Leadership, and Care for Underserved Communities

Past Winners