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Case Study

Manage University-Level Contracts with 50% Less Time & Resources

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See how Exxat helps Georgia Southern University to manage its MOUs and incorporate all its contracts seamlessly.

Managing Multiple Contracts, Searching & cataloging, and keeping the data safe while sharing it with all the stakeholders proved cumbersome for GSU. This is where Exxat stepped in.

Exxat provided GSU with a perfect solution – a cloud-based software having multiple templates, accessible reporting, and it has enhanced security. With Exxat, GSU was able to easily customize all terms, labels, contract names, and more right from the get-go. In addition, quicker and smoother execution of MOUs meant more community engagement resulting in better opportunities and learning outcomes for Georgia Southern University students.

Download the case study to learn more.

Now, I can draft a contract and have it sent out in about 15 minutes.”

—Jennifer Hoopes,
Executive Assistant to the Dean,
Waters College of Health Professions,
Georgia Southern University

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